Therapy Services

Individual Therapy Sessions
After the initial assessment, Occupational Therapy intervention may be recommended for you. The first step will be setting goals with your therapist to guide the intervention based on you or your child’s needs and capacities.
Relate First Therapy offers 45 minutes or 1 hour sessions in addition to 15 minutes of administration. This will allow time for your therapist to discuss strategies with you, provide education and send you a summary of the session to enable a carry through at home.
Intensive or Block Therapy
When appropriate, children may benefit from Intensive Occupational Therapy intervention for a set period. Usually, this is provided as a block of session for 12-14 sessions, once to twice a week. This method of therapy has been backed by scientific evidence and our clinical experience. Examples of intensive therapy include handwriting, gross motor development, hand therapy, feeding therapy, social skills and toilet training.